Vintage photos of 1920s fashion _ UK Time Capsule


The 1920s is the decade in which fashion entered the modern era. It was the decade in which women first abandoned the more restricting fashions of past years and began to wear more comfortable clothes (such as short skirts or trousers). Men also abandoned highly formal daily attire and even began to wear athletic clothing for the first time. The suits men wear today are still based, for the most part, on those worn in the late 1920s.

Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion
Vintage photos of 1920s fashion

(Photos: Steve Given)